don't expect me to read it out to you word by word.
Published on August 19, 2005 By schwarzmeecrob In International
Hi all,

after reading an interesting post by Gideon and noticing how much political talk is going on here at JU, i've decided to post something too. No, its not some fancy theory about how bush and the oil corporations conspired to invade some far away land, its not about clinton's sex scandals, its about in existing problem, an issue which plagues all nations. Poverty. yes, surprisingly, even in the richest of nations there exists poor people. why? well, let's say it isn't an easy question to answer but it ain't rocket science either.

let's face it people, its human nature to not want to do anything. sure, all of us love lyin down on the couch just daydreaming, with the exception of the special few whom they call "workaholics". but, that's just a fantasy. and guess what? some people just love living in a fantasy i'm not talking about those who visit disneyland everyday, i'm talking about lazy people! people who are perfectly normal, just like you and me. people with a brain, 2 eyes perfectly capable of vision, 2 hands and very flexible indeed and 2 legs to carry them wherever they want, maybe not across the ocean but that's a totally different story altogether. now, these lazy people, lets coin them :leeches just love doing nothing. everymonth they wait for the social welfare handouts to come while the rest of us slog our asses off at the office and factories and wherever else that provides employment. these vermins just refuse to contribute something to the society but instead, bleed its resources dry.

same thing with some immigrants. sure, they suffered poverty back home and come in search for a better life. but someone forgot to tell them a better life doesn't fall from the bloody sky! they arrive at a country, demand rights and such, refuse to get to work and contribute something and when pushed merely set up a tiny grocery store which operates at a loss and start making noise about how they're mistreated and start harbouring ideas about blowing public property sky high. this ain't paradise, peeps. sure, immigrants who contribute and do something for the country, we welcome you with open arms because you're part of the society and contribute to it. but immigrants who don't do anything but think about how to blow trains up, i say expel them back to where they came from. they do not deserve sanctuary, they do not deserve to enjoy the rights and privileges the rest of us worked so hard for whilst they go around committing petty crimes instead of getting a job.

seriously, those of you who want human rights, liberal crap and such, by all means go ahead but use your own resources, the rest of the world doesn't owe you and your objects of pity a living.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 20, 2005
Parated, I have to agree with you. However, I'm sure a lot of money is just going to utilities these days, including lighting, heat, AC, phones, etc, and school administration (salaries, etc.). Not to mention lots of school administrators taking a disproportionate piece of the pie for themselves, either legally or otherwise (lots of that on Long Island, NY). It's just that I do not think that dubya's NCLB is anything but rhetoric, and idiotic requirements to teach kids how to take tests. Learning is not part of that equation, unfortunately.

If this was a perfect world, we could hold parents accountable for their kids' educations. But, it's not for any number of reasons that has already been pointed out. If the government doesn't come up with something to tackle the problem of both education and other societal ills, the problem will only grow exponentially. This is exactly what I believe governments should be doing, and exactly where taxes should be going.
on Aug 20, 2005

How right you are. I even posted a link on one person's article to the job postings on SPM's website. Note that none of these pathetic sots has responded to the postings on his site, and as I understand it, many quality positions, such as that of chimney sweep are still open.

Excellent article, and a good show! I am sure that when SPM happens by your site, he will be most pleased with the way you are upholding Maxwellian values!
on Aug 20, 2005
somehow i sense an overwhelming aura of sarcasm of course gideon old chap, my blog is linked in good show.
on Aug 20, 2005
I confess to being a Maxwellian peasant, schwarz...I dearly enjoy his brand of satire! So, I was quite taken by your offer to "represent"! I will be watching your site as much as I am able!
on Aug 20, 2005
For those who missed my post on the other site, here is the link to SPM's job site. The man is sincerely trying to help better the lives of the peasantry!

on Aug 21, 2005
you wouldnt consider getting a ferocious mounting my sir peter? lol
on Aug 22, 2005
Yup. Kids who went to single room schools, had nothing but slate and chalk to write on, and did their homework by candlelight, (AFTER they completed their farm chores) exited the system with far more knowledge than the spoiled brats of today, who attend schools with computer labs, olympic sized swimming pools, fancy marching bands and outrageously expensive performing arts centers.

Hey, that's not fair! Only the brightest were even allowed to go to school for more than a few years in the old days - these days we expect every moron to pass year 12. Back then the stupid, the lazy and the ADHDers were just kicked out. Graduates of olden times were good because they were the best and the brightest; you can't compare the best of yesteryear to the average of today and expect to see similar results.

I'll tell you what the problem is. Just take a look at some of the teachers who blog here. Sure, they have good spelling and sentence construction, but with very few exceptions, they're incredibly immature, judgemental, nasty tempered, bigoted, naive, and moronic in their world views.

You never went to a Catholic school, did you? Cos those JU bloggers sound a lot like the nuns my great-grandfather used to complain to me about when his senility kicked in and he called me Billy. I think you're describing people in general rather than just teachers.

I find it's nearly always much easier to blame the parents, although I suppose if I was one the teachers would be a more comfortable target.
on Aug 22, 2005
Hey, that's not fair! Only the brightest were even allowed to go to school for more than a few years in the old days - these days we expect every moron to pass year 12. Back then the stupid, the lazy and the ADHDers were just kicked out. Graduates of olden times were good because they were the best and the brightest; you can't compare the best of yesteryear to the average of today and expect to see similar results.

as clearly obvious as it may be, i'm grading this discussion on the curve...which earns you an insightful umm billy.
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