don't expect me to read it out to you word by word.
proudly in liason with SPM
Published on August 19, 2005 By schwarzmeecrob In Current Events
Dear fellow bloggers,
as most of you might recall, a great great man was unjustly booted out of joe user. i am pleased to announce that the honorary Sir Peter Maxwell is still alive and kickin! now, in liason with i'll be publishing his manifestos and rhetorical speeches right here on my blog. Sir Peter might come across to some of you vile peasants as racist, ignorant, foul-mouthed and lecherous but the man does make a lot of sense! he is the very embodiment of of free speech and freedom of action. he is a man who dares speak his mind about politics, society and everything else regardless of whatever sinister obstacles and consequences that come by. this may sound an awful lot cheesy but oft, the truth is ne'er pleasant. so, let us all work together to make this world a peasant free place. in the words of SPM: MAKE PEASANTS HISTORY!

on Aug 19, 2005
SPM, SPAM, neither are worth reading, but thnx to JU we don't get loaded with SPM much lately. ;~D
on Aug 19, 2005
on Aug 19, 2005
honorary Sir Peter Maxwell

I think you mean "honorable."

If not, where do I sign up to be an honorary Sir? Ooooo, even an honorary Sir Peter for a day! That should be good for a mounting or two...

Victor, bring on the colony girls!!!!!!
on Aug 19, 2005
I just think it is amusing that you didn't manage to get the link right. Very SPM really.
on Aug 19, 2005
right on, old chap. good show.
on Aug 20, 2005
Just ignore Greybore. He has no honour. The chap used to worship me like the demented bachelor he is but he soon lost his bottle when the going got tough, which isn't surprising considering he is a US Soldier.

As for Parated2k, I’d just like to quote his testimonial from my site, which should demonstrate the level of idiocy you are dealing with here.

“From what I've read of him he has nothing but bigotry and mindless gainsaying to add to any discussion. If he is an example of the baffoons that get knighted, then I can see why the concept of British Nobility and Royalty is dying on the vine”
on Aug 20, 2005 'scientific pest management'

on Aug 20, 2005
Aww, Serf Peat Mosswell, it seems you missed the point.. the one where I was accusing you of being both a liar and a poser. Too bad you missed it... but not surprised.
on Aug 21, 2005
"Serf Peat Mosswell"

I cringed on your behalf. You see, I do have a heart.
on Aug 21, 2005
"Serf Peat Mosswell"

I cringed on your behalf. You see, I do have a heart.

Sadly enough on the very small size!